

  • endorsements含义,和chaincode关系
  • 数据库是分布式的么
  • 如何使用docker部署peer和orderer节点在不同服务器上
  • peer可以既是endorsing又是commiting么
  • 多个channel的意义是什么
  • An update transaction is quite different to a query transaction because a single peer cannot, on its own, update the ledger – it requires the consent of other peers in the network. A peer requires other peers in the network to approve a ledger update before it can be applied to a peer’s local ledger. This process is called consensus – and takes much longer to complete than a query. But when all the peers required to approve the transaction do so, and the transaction is committed to the ledger, peers will notify their connected applications that the ledger has been updated. You’re about to be shown a lot more detail about how peers and orderers manage the consensus process in this section. 更新交易不同于查询交易,需要其他节点批准,也就是共识,如果同意了才可以提交通知连接的应用
  • 交易在orderer打包后不一定有序
  • 块没被提交之前在orderer里面的时候是怎么处理的
  • 如果执行setup_chaincode.sh出现报错,则docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)先删掉docker的container,然后手动执行每个chaincode,现在可能原因是建立需要时间导致报错


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